Just a “quick” Photo

All photographers have been where I was. And lets be honest, all moms know the struggle as well. You know those times when you want just a “quick” photo of your little family because they were all in cute outfits? Or just outfits that aren’t covered in lunch or spit-up for once? It will only take a second right? This was one of those times for me. Now that the tragedy is over I want to have some fun and show you guys a few personal outtakes from it.
It was time for Aidens 6 month session. I jumped over to the studio and quickly got those done. Then I thought (that’s where it all went down hill… those thoughts will get you every time) we should grab a quick picture with me and the kids. Welp, that turned into a whole event.
I threw my husband the camera and we started the bribery. ALL the bribery. Honestly, my kids probably thought they were going to live inside the Disney castle by the end 0f it. And talk about the sweat. I mean my husband and I looked like we ran a marathon by the time it was over.

Personal Outtakes

All I wanted was a simple candid photo. As much as I absolutely love candid photos, trust me when I say there are LOTS of uncandid and horrendous ones that happen in order to get the pretty candid ones. Out of the 90+ we took, we only got about 5 useable ones. Even those that made the cut needed to have spit up edited out from Aiden. Even though it’s rough sometimes, that is not a reason to wait until your kids are grown and miss out on all those precious memories.
Next time you are getting your photos done or even just trying to grab a “quick” cell phone picture, think about this blog post and remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I completely understand what you are dealing with. I have been there and will not judge any amount of bribery, sweat or tears.
So here they are! Feel free to laugh! My husband and I got our fair share of laughs in looking at these as well!
kids jumping on bed family lifestyle studio session candid outtakes from session personal outtakes kids jumping on the bed personal outtakes personal outtakes from family session candid photo session personal outtakes personal outtakes
Let’s end on the a good note with a couple photos that actually turned out cute!
Personal Outtakes Family Lifestyle Photographer Personal Outtakes

Personal Outtakes – Just a “quick” Photo

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