If you have made it to this post, I can probably guess you are expecting a new little one? If so, CONGRATS! I have included everything you need to know to feel at ease and be prepared for your Fresh 48 Session! Being a mama of three, Fresh 48s are one of my favorite kind of sessions as I know first hand how special and short lived those early days with your baby are.


What is a Fresh 48 Session?

A Fresh 48 session is the first few hours of a newborn’s life being documented and made into beautiful memories to cherish forever. The session is held in the first 24-48 hours of the newborns life. These pictures will capture the full experience and details of your brand new bundle of joy in the hospital.

Now lets talk about how to prepare for your session.


1. Book in Advance

This is without a doubt the most important thing you need to know! In order to be on call and available for all clients, photographers normally only take a limited number of sessions a month! Make sure you get on the books with a photographer as early as possible!


2. Don’t forget these things

SWADDLES: Bringing swaddles for your baby will make them feel comfortable and often help him/her to fall asleep. Not to mention they are super cute for pictures. I recommend to my clients to also use the hospital swaddles as cap for a few pictures as it is so timeless.

WHITE ONESIE: There is something very classic about a sweet new baby in a onesie. It allows the details of your baby to stand out while giving a very natural feel.

ACCESSORIES: Accessories add great detail to pictures. Bows, toys, flowers, etc. Try to keep accessories (ie.bows) small so it remains a natural feel and doesn’t distract from the baby or family.

newborn baby in hospital

3. What to Wear

If Mom, Dad and/or children are attending don’t feel like you need to put everyone in the same type of outfit. I often recommend more soft and neutral colors, aiming for a more relaxed feel. For example, Mom can wear a comfy robe, Dad in jeans and solid t-shirt and children can wear variety from jeans to dresses. Mixing up the wardrobe pieces will bring a great visual interest to the photos.

family in hospital with newborn baby

4. Prior to the session

COMMUNICATE: Before your session, make sure you have communicated to your nurses that you will be having a photographer come in to take some photos. Let them know the time and ask if they can help to deter any interruptions during the session, if possible.

FEED: Newborn babies love to eat, and often. So try to feed your sweet bundle before right before your photographer plans to arrive so that he/she will have a full tummy and are happy campers. Everyone is happier when baby is happy, right?

TIDY UP: Your photographer will probably come in and move some items around and clean up a bit in your hospital room to help the images look a little neater. But if they don’t, it’s always a good idea to tidy up a bit beforehand so that the images can be focused more on you/your family and not show extra distractions.

INCLUDING CHILDREN? If you will be including children in you session it’s always smart to pack a bag with snacks, water and any small objects (like toys or small snacks) that might help get their attention when it’s time for them to look at the camera. Make sure to ask the hospital ahead of time if it is flu season… in most hospitals, children under 13 are not allowed into postpartum rooms during the specified flu season dates.


Siblings holding newborn baby in hospital bed

5. Keep in Contact with Your Photographer

Keeping in contact with your photographer is very helpful in making sure the session happens as close to the projected time as possible. You should call, or send a text message, to your photographer when:

1. You are going to the hospital

2. You get admitted to the hospital

3. When the baby is born

Also, make sure you have provided your photographer with all the necessary addresses (hospital or other location) and contacts needed for the session!


All you need to do now is relax, be yourself and snuggle that new baby!

mom and dad with newborn baby in hospital


How to Prepare for a Fresh 48 Session

newborn baby hospital fresh 48 session
  1. […] Don’t forget to check out Helene’s other work on her website or on Instagram at @gracebytwophotography. Helene just wrote a great post about How to Prepare for a Fresh 48. […]

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